Booking through a travel agency: is it more expensive?

Booking through a travel agency: is it more expensive?

If you pick of one our multiple pre-armed travel packages, Disney, Universal, Xcaret, More than 200 travel tours around the globe, Ojala travel's trips, or any cruise line, The answer is no, it won't cost you more. On the contrary, it often saves you time & money!  

Most of our vendors, pay commission to us, but at no cost to you.

It doesn't cost you any extra to book through us vs. booking straight through them. The benefit for you is that you'll have us to help you & also:

  1. We come equipped with a wealth of knowledge and expertise, often indispensable in planning a trip based on experience. Training, updated offers, etc
  2. We will make your planning process smoother and your trip more enjoyable and stress-free.
  3. We are responsible for researching and planning, freeing up your time to focus on other essential tasks. 
  4. Cost Effective: We frequently have special access to discounted rates and promotional deals that the average traveler may not be privy to. 


So we don't charge extra money for booking with our favorite vendors!


*The VIP service fee (which is optional) does have a extra cost, but is only for clients that want a personalized service, travel without any groups  or a 100% personalized trip! This may also save you money, but it takes more time to organice that's why it has extra cost. 

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